We would like you to meet the team here at The Lovely Keepsake Company, so first up this week is... Helen! We had her under the spotlight, see her answers below & find a little more out about Helen.

What do you love most about what you do?
I love so many things that we do here but the best by far is the impact we have on our customers and the people they buy gifts for. Designing gifts that can express really important messages such as “well done”, “love you” or something everyday like “I’m thinking of you” and then customers telling us how happy it made someone feel, is literally THE best feeling in the world. It’s the best job I’ve ever had!
What is the best advice you've ever received?
There are a few bits of advice that I’ve savoured over the years that I remember and live by every day (and now drill into my kids!)
"Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle”, "Dream big and work hard”, "Why not you?”and "Run your own race”. One of the earliest influences was my primary school motto “Nil Nisi Optimum Satis” meaning ‘Only your best is good enough’ and it really did resonate with me from an early age. And finally, something my beloved Granma lived by during all she lived through was “just get on with it” and it really was one of the best pieces of advice I ever had. Sometimes it’s tough but you just have to find a way through.
What is your favourite keepsake and why?
I’m a huge hoarder of keepsakes, I simply can’t throw anything meaningful away and I love to stumble across sentimental things I’ve kept from years ago. If I had to choose one it would probably be a scapula (tiny prayer cloth) that was my Nana’s that I have had tucked inside my bra during every exam, job interview any other stressful meeting since she passed away when I was 13. It’s worn out and threadbare but I’d never been without it.
What is your nickname and why?
Most people call me “H” but at work I’m known as “Woman” - I have no idea why but it’s stuck! Both are better than “Titchy Smellen” that was my school nickname!
Tell us a fun fact about you…
I once did 3 laps of Donnington Park at 140mph on the back of ‘Rocket' Ron Haslam’s motorbike!